Tree-Ring Society



1. Name. The name of this Society is Tree-Ring Society.

2. Offices. The principal office of the Society shall be in the County of Larimer, City of Loveland, State of Colorado, United States of America. The Society may also have offices at such other places as the Council may from time to time appoint or the services of the Society may require.


The administration of the Society shall be vested in an Executive Council made up of eight elected officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Communications, Student and Editor). Member-At-Large positions may be filled at the discretion of the Executive Council and are non-voting members as described in Article VII. The operations of the Society shall be conducted by the officers or their delegates. Delegated work shall be technically reviewed by the officers.


1. The objectives of the Society shall be:

a. to promote and encourage research in dendrochronology throughout the  world;

b. to arrange symposia and conferences on dendrochronology at meetings of other scientific disciplines;

c. to publish the results of research in dendrochronology;

d. to sponsor and promote the application of dendrochronology to related fields, and

e. in general, to disseminate knowledge of dendrochronology to other scientists and the public at large.


1. Membership.

a. Membership in the Society shall consist of five classes: Individual, Individual Reduced Rate, Individual Lifetime, Student, Retiree, and Institutional. Any person in accordance with the objectives of the Society may be admitted to membership.

b. All applications shall be approved unless there are objections from two or more members of the Society. In this instance a three-quarters majority vote of the Executive Council shall be required to reject the application.

c. Each member is held to the standards of the Codes of Conduct and Ethics, and policies therein. Failure to do so may result in expulsion of any member by a three-quarters majority vote from the Executive Council.

d. Individual reduced rate memberships are available for people for whom finances are a barrier to membership in the Society. Individual reduced rate memberships will be considered on an individual basis.

e. Each member of the Society shall receive all of the Society's regular publications for the year covered by their dues and shall have one vote in the transaction of the business of the Society. Members shall be eligible for any elective or appointive office in the Society.

f. Any individual or institution may subscribe (on an annual basis only) to the Society's publication without the privilege of membership at a rate to be set by the Executive Council. 

2.  Meetings.

a. The Society shall sponsor international meetings such as WorldDendro and AmeriDendro provided funds are available. While the Society shall work to facilitate conference site selection and organization, local organizers will have responsibility to make arrangements for these conferences. As a stipulation of the Society's sponsorship (financial or other affiliation), conference organizing committees must be familiar with the TRS Codes of Ethics and Conduct (and policies therein) and work to ensure the principles outlined in these codes are incorporated into conference planning. The conference organizers must either (1) agree to adhere to the TRS Codes of Ethics and Conduct, or (2) develop their own Code of Conduct for the conference that is at least as comprehensive as the TRS Code of Conduct. The TRS Executive Council may review the new Code of Conduct. The conference organizing committee shall ensure that the selected Code of Conduct is agreed to by all conference participants.

b. At international meetings, the Society retains the right to confer Society Awards (listed below with award type) recognizing exceptional individuals in dendrochronology. Nominations for these awards will be sought broadly and internationally. Awards include, but are not limited to:

               i. The Harold C. Fritts Award for Lifetime Achievement in Dendrochronology (signified with a plaque).

               ii. The Richard L. Holmes Award for Outstanding Service to Dendrochronology (signified with a plaque).

               iii. The Jose A. Boninsegna Frontiers in Dendrochronology Award (signified with a plaque).

               iv. The Florence Hawley-Ellis Diversity Award (signified with financial support to awarding conference and a keynote lecture). 

c. Judges for the Society Awards will include two Executive Council members, one recent award recipient (if available), and the Member-at-Large representing the upcoming meeting. In the event that no previous award recipients are available to serve, a past Society Executive Council member or a Society member will be asked to serve on the awards committee by the Awards Committee chair.

d. The Executive Council reserves the right to revoke awards if the awardee does not adhere to the Society Codes of Ethics and Conduct, and policies therein. Rescinding awards will be determined by a three-quarters majority vote from the Executive Council. 

3. Referenda.

a. All matters of business of the Society may be decided by means of a referendum vote by email ballot at any time upon the initiation of the Executive Council or a petition signed by any twenty-five Society members to the Executive Council. Voting shall be secret and conducted via the Internet. In order that they may be counted as votes, ballots must be submitted by members and received anonymously by the Secretary via a secure server no more than thirty days after the date the ballots were emailed to members by the Secretary. A majority of votes received during the thirty-day period shall constitute the deciding vote, except that By-Laws shall be amended as set forth in ARTICLE XI.


1. The Executive Council shall be the administrative body of the Society, and shall be made up of the officers and additional Members-At-Large. It shall set dues, authorize all meetings, plan the undertakings of the organization, appoint standing committees as necessary, and authorize all expenditures subject to limitations set forth in these By-Laws.

2.  The Executive Council shall meet at such times and places as the President may designate. Due to the great distances separating the officers and representatives, the Executive Council will conduct most of its business via deliberations on the Internet or telephone. Hence, all members of the Executive Council must have Internet access. Two thirds of the officers of the Executive Council elected members shall constitute a quorum for business.

3. In the event of a vacancy in any elective office, the Executive Council shall have the power to make interim appointment to the office for the remainder of the unexpired term.


1.  The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Communications, Student, and Editor. All officers shall serve for a term of three years commencing January 1 of the calendar year. All officers are eligible for re-election.

2. President. The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Council. The President shall see that all undertakings authorized by the Executive Council are properly carried out. Acting on advice and consent of the Executive Council, the President shall appoint all necessary committees and define their duties. The President shall have the power to make appointments to fill vacancies in the Executive Council, subject to a vote of approval by a three-quarters majority vote of the Council.

3. Vice-President. The Vice-President will support the President in their duties, lead special projects, and promote membership to the Society. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the President's duties as outlined above.

4. Treasurer.

a. Working with the President and the Editor, the Treasurer will develop the Society’s annual budget and present it to the Council for approval; administer the finances of the Society, ensuring that the financial records are maintained as appropriate for non-profit organizations and according to budgetary regulations approved by the Executive Council; and be responsible for Society funds, spending them as authorized by the Executive Council.

          b. The Treasurer shall ensure that the membership list is maintained, and dues collected.

          c. The Treasurer shall provide a financial report to the Council at least quarterly and make an annual financial report available.

5. Secretary. The Secretary shall record minutes of Executive Council meetings including motions and actions, which are distributed to the Council via email; ensure that activities of the Council and membership are conducted according to Society policies; and conduct (or delegate conduct of) Society elections.

6.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The DEI Officer will promote DEI values in the Society and at sponsored events (e.g., conferences) by working to ensure that all members, especially those who have been historically underrepresented in the tree-ring community and Society, are represented and included.

7. Communications. The Communications Officer works with the President and Executive Council to promote and coordinate communications with the membership, other dendrochronological societies, professional organizations, and the public. Responsible for maintaining and disseminating information on the Society website, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

8. Student Representative. The Student Representative is a current student in attendance at a higher learning institution, who will work to represent the Society student members, encourage membership of students to the Society as well as work to develop ideas and plans to promote the education and learning of dendrochronology within the student population.

9. The duties of the Editor are set forth in ARTICLE X.


Members-at-Large are non-voting members of the Executive Council, and are not elected by the Society. These individuals are appointed through a three-quarters majority vote of the Executive Council to assist the Society meet its objectives. Examples of Members-at-Large positions are listed (but not limited) below.

1. A Member-at-Large Council member for Conferences will represent the program committee of the next conference (e.g., WorldDendro or Ameridendro) and will coordinate with the Council concerning the conference. This individual will be appointed by the conference’s program committee and approved by the Council.

2. A Member-at-Large Council member for Awards will work with the Council on the nomination and determination process for the awards of the Society set forth in Article IV.

3. A Member-at-Large Council member will work with the Council to provide their input, leadership and suggestions on any and all topics, but particularly special projects that help advance dendrochronology and the Society’s objectives.


1. No later than September 1 of election years, the President shall disseminate, by email and via the International Tree-Ring Data Bank Internet forum, a call for nominations for positions on the Society Executive Council.  Only paid-up members of the Society may make nominations or be nominated. The period of nominations will be closed on September 30.

2. All nominees must provide to the President a statement of their qualifications and intentions should they be elected to the Executive Council. Because most Executive Council business is conducted via Internet e-mail, all nominees must have Internet access. The ballots will comprise a list of nominees and their statements, which shall be emailed to the Society membership no later than October 31 of election years. The period for accepting ballots mailed by members shall end on November 30.

3. Officers of the Executive Council shall be elected from among those nominated by a majority vote of Society members who cast ballots.


1. The fiscal year of the Society shall commence on January 1 of each year and end on December 31.

2. Annual dues shall be payable no later than January 31 if members are to continue to access the Society's publications or to vote. Anyone accepted for membership to the Society upon payment of dues anytime between January 1 and December 31 shall receive access to the Society's journal for the calendar year.

3. The income from annual dues, subscriptions and from investments and other sources shall constitute the Working Fund, available for operating, publication, and other current expenses consistent with the purposes of the Society as directed through a three-quarters majority vote of the Executive Council.

4. No financial obligations in excess of funds available in the Treasury shall be assumed by the Executive Council or by any officer on behalf of the Society except when approved by a majority vote of the membership of the Society.


1. The official publication of the Society shall be known as Tree-Ring Research.

2. The Society publication shall be the immediate responsibility of the Editor. The Editor shall have the power to appoint such advisors or assistants as required with the advice and consent of the Executive Council. The journal will be published subject to the financial constraints of the Society budget.



These By-Laws may be amended by membership vote, as described in Article IV, only if a proposed amendment is approved by two-thirds of the votes cast.

Last Revision of the By-Laws: March 4 2023

For questions or comments about the website or membership, contact Lori Wilson (trslori [at] gmail dot com. The Tree-Ring Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit association. 
© Tree-Ring Society.  All rights reserv

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