The Tree-Ring Society (TRS) is committed to recognizing excellence in our field. We currently have four major society awards to recognize the achievements of individuals at various career stages in dendrochronology. Three of these awards were formalized at the 1st AmeriDendro conference in 2008 (Vancouver, Canada) where assembled members voted to name these awards in honour of their namesakes, individuals who directed the course of dendrochronology during their extraordinary careers: The Harold C. Fritts Award for Lifetime Achievement, The Richard L. Holmes Award for Outstanding Service, and the José A. Boninsegna Frontiers in Dendrochronology Award. The most recent award, the Florence Hawley Ellis Diversity Award, was adopted by the Society in advance the WorldDendro conference in 2018 (Thimphu, Bhutan), and honours excellence in early career researchers in our field.
The Harold C. Fritts Award for Lifetime Achievement in Dendrochronology is conferred to an individual(s) who has significantly influenced the field of dendrochronology, emphasizing innovative research that has advanced the tree-ring sciences and promoted across disciplines.
2022 AmeriDendro - Montreal Canada
2016 AmeriDendro - Mendoza Argentina
2014 World Dendro - Melbourne Australia
2008 AmeriDendro - Vancouver Canada
The Richard L. Holmes Award for Outstanding Service to Dendrochronology is bestowed on individual(s) who have provided outstanding service to dendrochronology in any of several forms, including educational service, teaching service, committee membership, positions served, software and hardware development, database development, and e-communications.
2022 AmeriDendro - Montreal Canada
2016 AmeriDendro - Mendoza Argentina
2014 World Dendro - Melbourne Australia
2008 AmeriDendro - Vancouver Canada
2006 World Dendro - Beijing China
The José A. Boninsegna Frontiers in Dendrochronology Award is awarded to individual(s) who have contributed significantly to cutting-edge science in dendrochronology, including the bridging of geographic, research, or methodological frontiers.
2022 AmeriDendro - Montreal Canada
2016 AmeriDendro - Mendoza Argentina
2014 World Dendro - Melbourne Australia
2008 AmeriDendro - Vancouver Canada
The Florence Hawley Ellis Diversity Award is intended to advance diversity in dendrochronology and recognize the excellence of early career scientists in the field of dendrochronology. This award is named in honor of Dr. Florence Hawley Ellis, the first female tree-ring scientist, who pioneered multiple disciplines and fought for equality in academia throughout her career. This award is unique to the above-listed TRS awards, which are recognized primarily with an engraved plaque, with conference registration, travel support and the Florence Hawley Ellis plenary lecture for the awarding conference. The financial support The TRS can provide to winner(s) of this award as made possible exclusively by individual member donations.
2022 AmeriDendro - Montreal Canada
2016 World Dendro - Thimpu Bhutan