Tree-Ring Society

In July 2022 at the AmeriDendro Conference in Montreal, Canada, a Symposium titled “Advancing AmeriDendro Allyship” was organized by Executive Officers of the Tree-Ring Society. In this Symposium, presenters and panelists shared resources for being a better ally, improving equity in research, and strategies to address unconscious bias. We are pleased to share some of those resources here.

ADVANCEGeo Partnership Resources:

CLEAR Lab Equity in Author Order:

Talk Saves Lives (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention):

Demery and Pipkin (2021). Safe fieldwork strategies for at-risk individuals, their supervisors and institutions. Nature Ecology & Evolution:

(Image credit: Chris Gentry)

For questions or comments about the website or membership, contact Lori Wilson (trslori [at] gmail dot com. The Tree-Ring Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit association. 
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