Tree-Ring Society

Read recent issues of Tree-Ring Research (2015 to the present) here. Society members have access with their membership.  Tree-Ring Research is distributed online through BioOne.  

table of contents is available for past issues of Tree-Ring Research.   Past issues (starting in 1934) are located here.

The Tree-Ring Society's peer-reviewed journal, Tree-Ring Research (formerly the Tree-Ring Bulletin), has been published since 1934 as a principle outlet for dendrochronology studies.  Tree-Ring Research is now published online (as of 2015, volume 71).  There are no page charges for papers under 10 pages with black-and-white graphics.  An open-access option is also available at reduced cost to members.  

Tree-Ring Research is devoted to papers about the growth rings of trees and the applications of tree-ring research, including but not limited to archaeology, geology, ecology, hydrology, climatology, forestry, and botany.  Papers presenting research results, new techniques of data acquisition or analysis, and regional or subject-oriented reviews or syntheses are considered for publication.

Three primary categories of scientific papers are considered.  Articles should not exceed 5000 words, or approximately 20 double-spaced typewritten pages, including tables, references, and an abstract of 200 words or fewer.  All manuscripts submitted as Articles are reviewed by at least two referees.  Research Reports, which are usually reviewed by at least one outside referee, should not exceed 1500 words or include more than two figures.  Research Reports address technical developments, describe well-documented but preliminary research results, or present findings for which the Article format is not appropriate. Book or monograph Reviews of 500 words or less are also considered. In addition, if authors have a submission that is relevant to tree-ring topics but outside of the three primary publication categories, they are welcome to explore possible submission with the Editor.

Articles, Reports, and Reviews are published only in English.  Abstracts of the Articles or Reports may be printed in other languages if English translations are supplied by the author(s).

Tree-Ring Research is indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch), Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences, Biological Abstracts, and BIOSIS Previews.

Submission Options for Review Process:

PREFERRED- Submit a PDF file of the complete manuscript, including tables and figures (or an MS-Word DOC file of text with files containing figures in easily accessible formats such as PDF, JPG, GIF, TIF), and a separate file containing the cover letter of transmittal to Dr. Steve Leavitt, Editor of Tree-Ring Research.

ALTERNATIVELY- Submit four copies of the manuscript, including tables and legible copies of figures, and cover letter to:

Editor, Tree-Ring Research
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
The University of Arizona
1215 East Lowell Street
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA

It would be helpful to provide the names of 3 possible reviewers with their contact information (postal and e-mail addresses, phone numbers) in your cover letter. 

Detailed instructions to authors should also be consulted prior to submission. Follow the style and format of recent issues as guides to organization, units of measurement, abbreviations, and literature citation.  Number all text lines consecutively. Manuscripts must be typewritten and double-spaced throughout (including the abstract, tables, captions, footnotes and references) on one side of approximately 22 x 28 cm paper with margins of at least 2.5 cm.  Tables and figures should be at the end of the text.  A separate title page should include the title, author(s), affiliation(s) and mailing address(es).  Include telephone numbers in the letter of transmittal.  The abstract should appear on a separate page preceding the text.  Number tables consecutively using Arabic numerals; do not prepare tables with lines or boxes.  Type tables (including titles) and figure captions separately and place them at the end of the manuscript.  Explanatory notes in tables should be numbered and referenced in table titles or footnotes.  All illustrations, whether line drawings or photographs, are considered figures to be denoted by Arabic numerals and cited consecutively in the text.  Supply one copy (not exceeding 22 x 28 cm) of each illustration in a form suitable for photo-reproduction (TIFF and EPS formats are acceptable alternatives for accepted papers).  Lettering should be large enough to allow 50% reduction.  Original line drawings, black-line positives on acetate, and glossy prints are acceptable.  Authors are responsible for reading proofs carefully and noting all errors.  Except for corrections, alterations or additions must be kept to an absolute minimum.  Consult recent issues for other style matters and proper reference format. 



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For questions or comments about the website or membership, contact Lori Wilson (trslori [at] gmail dot com. The Tree-Ring Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit association. 
© Tree-Ring Society.  All rights reserv

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